A couple more twilight sandhill crane photos from last Friday on the Benstein boardwalk.
March 14, 2025. Wolverine Lake, Michigan.
Twilight crane.
A sandhill crane flying low above a wetland after sunset.
March 14, 2025. Wolverine Lake, Michigan.
Little crane is having big joy
It is, already, spring goes! And so good and kind animals, again, to appear here. More often and more often, you can see all of your friends. Crane is going here. It is, so, a big bird. And, it looks like heron. With so big legs. And, also, bird is looks like a goose or duck.
What's all this screaming?
Oh, that guy.
Grey cranes are standing in the meadow, loudly bragging over who caught the biggest prey.
Sorry, phone cam on max potato zoom.
Man beachte den #Silberreiher ganz links, wie er den weißen Kopf aus der Sickergrube reckt, als die #Kraniche vorbei spazieren.
Diese Erwachsenen standen entfernt von den Jugendlichen und flogen weniger herum. Drückt mal die Daumen, dass sie den ganzen Sommer hier bleiben!
So ein Bild macht der Autofokus in der Sony alpha6000 gefühlt nur 1x im Jahr. Statt den Hintergrund scharfzustellen, hat er ausnahmsweise die #Kraniche fokussiert. Was für ein komischer Tag, an dem einfach alles irgendwie zusammenpasst.
Fünf Kraniche im warmen Abendlicht. Alles Gute zur Tag- und Nachtgleiche, habt den #Frühling schön!
#EAS #WEA for Andrews, #TX; #Crane, #TX; #Dawson, #TX; #Ector, #TX; #Martin, #TX; #Midland, #TX; #Upton, #TX; #Ward, #TX: National Weather Service: DUST STORM WARNING for this area until 9:45 PM CDT. Be ready for sudden drop to zero visibility. Pull Aside, Stay Alive! When visibility drops, pull far off the road and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights off and keep your foot off the brake. Infants, the elderly and those with respiratory issues urged to take precautions. Source: NWS Midland
One-legged wonder.
March 10, 2025. Wolverine Lake, Michigan.
Another sandhill crane at sunset tonight.
March 14, 2025. Wolverine Lake, Michigan.
Ito Jakuchu (Japan, 1716-1800)
#Crane , 1760-70
Ink on paper; mounted as a hanging scroll
On display at Philadelphia Museum of Art 2023-112-33
#BirdsInArt #JapaneseArt