The appeal of meat for men is partly the connotation with being the brave hunter bringing down prey. Except, stop me if I'm wrong, no one eats apex predators. They eat lowly herbivores, almost exclusively. In fact last time I checked the world's most popular meat is a bird that can hardly fly, and has been bred to be too weak to even stand on its own legs.
#Carnists #vegan
“Canines though” is an argument often brought forth by #carnists. #CaninesThough
Quoting Karim Samra on FB:
❝One of the most ignorant but common arguments i keep hearing from carnists is the “canines though” argument.
As a dentist, it blows my mind that people think our canines are proof that we should eat meat. When in fact, NOTHING about our dentition, or our whole physiology for that matter, is adapted for flesh eating.
Our canines are short and blunt. I would love to see a human being catch an animal with his/her canines and claws and rip through their hide or clench onto their jugular, until they’re dead. Then start to dig into their flesh and feast on their insides.
Our canines can bite into fruits or root vegetables like carrots or beets. That’s the pretty much the extent of our canines’ normal biting capacity.
Our jaws move side to side like other natural herbivores and frugivores. We have large molars to chew leafy greens. Our mouths have small openings. […]❞