Available now! Vince Locke (A History of Violence, Sandman, Cannibal Corpse art) brings some awesome art to the campaign!
This 9x12 art is now available as an addon for ANY tier!
Links in profile!
Available now! Vince Locke (A History of Violence, Sandman, Cannibal Corpse art) brings some awesome art to the campaign!
This 9x12 art is now available as an addon for ANY tier!
Links in profile!
Available now! Vince Locke (A History of Violence, Sandman, Cannibal Corpse art) brings some awesome art to the campaign!
This 9x12 art is now available as an addon for ANY tier!
Links in profile!
Art from Vince Locke of Cannibal Corpse albums, A History of Violence, Sandman, Deadworld & more is added to the book! Original art available Tuesday noon EST! One last tease before Tuesday!
Back today! kck.st/4h6uXNo
New Art Add-on coming to the Returned Kickstarter Tuesday at Noon EST! Hint: Ever heard of Cannibal Corpse? Here's a little taste!
Back Returned today! kck.st/4h6uXNo
A true classic for #ThursDeath
I like it, but I can't tell how good or bad it is compared to their other albums
Many name "The Bleeding" as their favorite #CannibalCorpse album while others hate it or at least think it's overrated
Anyway, I remember listening to this while going for a walk at 3 a.m. in summer
Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel featured on ‘Jeopardy!’ earlier this week:
picture of a red shirt with blood on it
I soaked my #CannibalCorpse shirt with blood as my participation in the #moshpit led to a laceration at the back of my head (that happened at a #NapalmDeath show btw)
It was worth every single drop and blood on a red Cannibal Corpse shirt feels pretty adequate
News from the #Twitter front - Gen Z people are trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse due to their shocking lyrics that are 30 years old.
It made Cannibal Corpse trending.
Need to unwind after a rough day? Get in the #pit with #CannibalCorpse and a bunch of #cats. #Metal therapy.
@HailsandAles The correct answer is any of them!
That being said though, I will almost always go for my #CattleDecapitation, #CannibalCorpse, or most of the time, tbh, will be my #TaylorSwift records.
It may sound strange, but Cannibal Corpse still make my first choice of good mood music.
The new Cannibal Corpse is out and it SHREDS. Not gonna link because of the gore involved with the art, but it's on Bandcamp and YouTube etc, you know where to find it
Disclaimer: I never listened to any Cannibal Corpse album and I find their gory/brutal theme very repelling. Also I don't like Corpsegrinders vocal style.
That being said, I did listen to the new album Chaos Horrific because I was curious.
It started off as expected: I liked the music until the vocals kicked in. But starting mid Frenzied Feeding, it started to grew on me and with track 3, Summoned For Sacrafice, I was hooked.