Every generation thinks they’re the first to discover the truth, the first to suffer existential crises, and the first to tweet something clever about it. But as Ecclesiastes reminds us — probably with an exasperated sigh — “There is nothing new under the sun” (1:9).
Queere Geschichte auf einer zentralen Seite – eine neue Suchplattform Queer Search ist da!
Queer Search ist eine zentrale Rechercheplattform für queere Geschichte.
Entwickelt von Katharina Brunner, Esra-Paul Afken und Janika Seitz, bietet sie Zugang zu den Beständen der Mitglieder von Queersearch e.V. – dem Dachverband für deutschsprachige Archive, Bibliotheken und Sammlungen.
Nothing but the utmost respect and love for Dale Olson.
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #history #QueerHistory #1954
"I’ve watched brilliant colleagues apply textbook approaches while missing the handprints of police raids, medical torture, and political scapegoating that shape their LGBTQ+ clients’ inner worlds."
prismnpen@stranger.social - Here was a young #gay man seeking support. He was born into a world far more accepting than mine, yet inexplicably carrying wounds that mirror those of men who survived the AIDS crisis.
Here was a young #gay man seeking support. He was born into a world far more accepting than mine, yet inexplicably carrying wounds that mirror those of men who survived the AIDS crisis.
The symbolism of the original eight-stripe Pride flag, which was meant not just for gay men but for the entire Queer community. #QueerHistory #WeAreTheStoryKeepers
UK's oldest living drag queen, Maisie Trollette has died
Maisie Trollette
Miss Jason Roasts Maisie Trollette at her Drag Roast
[Canada] Halifax woman who photographed 2SLGBTQIA+/women's rights movements has work archived
Spanning 40 yrs, Anita Martinez's photos "brings the past forward" -- archivist
I'm a Vol. Board Member (as is Dan MacKay - ft. in article) of 2SLGBTQIA+ seniors advocacy group
Senior Pride Network Canada/Réseau de la Fierté des personnes aînées du Canada
SPNC/RFAC: https://spnc-rfac.ca
Next Saturday, March 22nd, Firestorm will be hosting Rattling the Cages co-creator Eric King in conversation with two veterans of the George Jackson Brigade—Janine Bertram and Mark Cook. Together they'll reflect on their experiences as political prisoners and the legacy of one of the most prolific US revolutionary groups in the 1970s, which synthesized movements for women's liberation, queer liberation, and Black power.
Register for this free event and find copies of "Ratting the Cages: Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners" at https://firestorm.coop/events/3337-rattling-the-cages-looking-back-at-the-george-jackson-brigade.html. Not sure you can make it? Register anyway and we'll send you a recording of the conversation to stream at your convenience.
#Abolition #PrisonAbolition #MassIncarceration #PrisonIndustrialComplex #QueerHistory #FeministBookstore #PoliticalPrisoners #GeorgeJacksonBrigade #FirestormCoop (- L)
British-American poet #WHAuden sent this postcard to an Austrian friend (and sex worker) from Berlin in 1965.
This blogpost (by Benjamin Maier) spotlights the specific status of #BahnhofZoo for male #sexwork in 1960s #Berlin: https://hsl.hypotheses.org/2291.
Die erste Professorin in Europa: Anna Tumarkin
Mit 17 Jahren kommt sie 1892 allein aus dem russischen Zarenreich in die Schweiz, wo Frauen studieren können. An der Universität Bern macht sie dann Karriere: Sie wird die erste vollberechtigte Professorin, etwas das vor ihr noch keine Frau geschafft hat. Das ist ihre Geschichte.
Was ich gestern zu QueerSearch, der Rechercheplattform für queere Geschichte, beim Demo-Day des @PrototypeFund erzählt habe, aufgeschrieben als Blogpost:
"Self Portrait," Gluck, 1921.
Gluck (1895-1978) was a pioneering queer artist, and a forerunner of the current genderqueer movement.
Born Hanna Gluckstein in London, in 1916 Gluck moved to Lamorna, an artists' colony in Cornwall, with a lover, E. M. Craig, about whom very little is known. By 1918 Gluck had adopted the mononym and was dressing in male clothing and painted smoking a pipe.
Gluck never declared any relation to a specific school or style, although here we can see a definite Art Deco influence. Gluck became known mostly for portraits and florals, but in the late 30s Gluck's style fell from favor, resulting in an artistic hiatus that lasted until the late 60s. Then Gluck began painting again, and had one last show before passing away.
Gluck never clearly identified as either sex, but had a number of female lovers. One painting, "Medallion," is regarded as one of the great depictions of a lesbian relationship.
From a private collection.
Heute ist Demo Day des @PrototypeFund: Dort stellen wir QueerSearch vor, eine neue Rechercheplattform für queere Geschichte!
I was nine years old when U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher gave her infamous speech on family values at the 1987 Conservative Party conference. She expressed outrage that children were being taught that they had “an inalienable right to be gay.”
It's the last day of LGBT+ History Month in the UK, but don't worry - Trans+ History Week is coming up in the spring. Besides, you can learn about LGBTQ+ history all year round.
A really good place to start learning is by visiting Adventures in Time and Gender: there's a podcast series plus some great articles. Check out https://adventuresintimeandgender.org/