This pheasant has happily evaded the shooter’s gun and taken up residence at #NationalTrust Wakehurst Place which has outlawed so called blood sports on its land. #Birds #Aves #pheasant.
I hadn't seen pheasants in the wild before until last week, and this weekend I managed to photograph them. Still from quite a distance away and in a little bit of haze. Hopefully more opportunities in the near future to get better shots.
A Pheasant taking a stroll down a path in the morning sun, RSPB Strumpshaw.
He decided to stay!
I am very happy
#Birds #Pheasant #Wildlife #Photography #Fasan
A noisy bird woke up this morning.
Actually, I did not mind at all
ウチワキジのおじいちゃん | 地方独立行政法人天王寺動物園
Here’s a Christmas pheasant for you
#Christmas #pheasant #JoinIn
Nothing to see here; just a #pheasant going for a #paddle in the shallows on #StrangfordLough.
It attempted to blend-in among a flock of #godwit. It failed.
#nature #naturephotography #wildlife #water #reflections #countydown #northernireland @RSPB
Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet des Fasans reicht vom Schwarzen Meer bis nach Südchina. Hier in Norddeutschland wir er immer wieder künstlich angesiedelt. Hier seht ihr, wie sich einer am letzten Novembermorgen den A... abfriert.
Just spied a Pheasant Coucal in #carina while driving. I saw it, shouted "Fuck me! Is that a fucking pheasant!?" and jumped on the brakes. I grabbed some shaky long-distance digital zoom photos as it scurried off into a hedge.
So I guess middle age has arrived.
The Frank Jarvis hide was our last proper hide visit for the day, we sat and watched the feeders under the tree cover close to the woodland floor. There was a small flock of greenfinch that kept hopping on and off while munching through the seed. Clearing up their mess below was a Pheasant, I didn’t know they’re as iridescent as they are!
Tänään oli #koirapuistossa #erikoismeininki, kun toiselle puolelle oli eksynyt viiden fasaanin #haaremi.
So today there where five #pheasants in the #DogPark.
Die #Fasane führen übrigens Küken. Ist nur schwer zu sehen. Diese Familie pickte erst offen auf der gemähten Wiese, dann bemerkte sie mich und spazierte langsam, unauffällig, unter das hohe Gras. Dort gehen sie praktisch unsichtbar wie in einem "Wiesenkeller".
our yardmate, being so beautiful he's mainly flaunting and screaming while his girlfriend is digging and spoiling our flowers
Kirkkonummi, Finland
#pheasant #fasaani #luonto #Kirkkonummi #maalaismaisema #suomi #finland #puutarha #kesä #kyrkslätt #ulkona #verano #pueblo #countryside #summer #summer2024 #outdoors #outdoorlife #nature #naturaleza #finnishnature #bird #pajaro