Frontline and ProPublica have just released their in-depth investigation into Terrorgram. It's really well done and gets into both the background of how Terrorgram came to be in the first place and how its organizers groomed the teenager who eventually shot three people outside a queer bar in Bratislava, killing two of them. I recommend it for anyone who's interested in all of that. There are lots of details and illuminating observations throughout.
One warning, though: there is some rather violent footage early on, particularly from Unite the Right. I'm specifically kind of pissed that people *still* insist on showing the footage of the car attack, and without even any run-up -- just cutting straight to that moment, as though the world doesn't already know what happened, as though there were no living people whose lives were completely fucked up that day and may really suffer for seeing that yet again.
If that's an issue for you, maybe skip from around 7:00-8:10, and particularly right around the 8:00 mark. You won't be missing anything of value.