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Weekly highlight from your anarchist comrades in #NES
17.03.25 - 23.03.25
Also available on https://tekosinaanarsist.noblogs.org/category/war-updates/
As the spring arrives, the celebrations of Newroz light the fire of resistance. This is a time of hope for the Kurdish people. The message of Abdullah Öcalan sparked expectations for a peace process and a possible road map for a democratization of Turkey. This also echoes in Syria, with renewed negotiations petween PYD and ENKS to make a joint Kurdish delegation to negotiate with Damascus. It seems that the years of denial of the Kurdish identiy, of assimilation and ocupation, may be reaching its end. The resistance of the Kurdish people against colonization, against the borders imposed by European colonizers in Middle East after the World war, against the assimilation and genocidal policies, seems to be growing ripe. But what does this mean at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century? The creation of a Kurdish state, dream of many Kurdish resistance movements from the last century, seems not possible in the current world order. In any case, the Abdullah Öcalan's proposal of Democratic Nation is also rejecting such path, deeply questioning the role of nation-states and their capacity to build a free life and a democratic society.
The negotiations with the provisional government of Damascus, when analyzed with an anarchist perspective, seem very discouraging. The new draft of the Syrian constitution is far away from the revolutionary dreams that brought us to Rojava. However, it is worth to not hurry with conclusions.
Many political organizations criticized the proposed constitutional draft, with strong opposition from the institutions of the DAANES as well as from the Druze community. The current political agreements and positions will influence all involved actors. From all years of civil war in Syria it can be expected that hegemonic state forces will use all opportunities to create more strife and chaos. It opens doors for them to step in, assert themselves as legitimate players and pursue their goals. The negotiations between SDF and the Provisional government can be considered with that reality in mind. Revolutionary Northeastern Syria asserts itself in all fields possible and shows itself as a legitimate and viable political actor. It takes the image of revolutionary system here far beyond the "allies who defeated ISIS", towards being seen as a model and a system to be implemented, or at least to be reckoned with. We also should distinguish political talks from ideological lines. ENKS-PYD agreement is a good example of that. This brings us to one of the lessons we as anarchists can find here. We observe that a revolutionary movement needs to have capacity of bringing various political actors to contribute to the liberatory changes. Skillful diplomacy of DAANES and SDF is a good example of this effort.
In the past we shared reflections on the challanges that HTS will face to assert itself as the new government of Syria. The recent wave of insurgency that shaked Latakia may be the extreme example of that. The occupations of Turkey in the north and Israel in the south, the unrest in Deir Ezzor, the claims for decentralization by the Druze community in the south and the Kurds in the north, are just examples of the challenges that the post-Assad Syria is facing. The DAANES is a proof of how a decentralized system in Syria is not only possible but necessary. Still, HTS will try to hold their grip on the newly captured central power in Damascus, navigating a dangerous balance of forces that can easily derail. If the diplomacy can't reach satisfactory solutions for all relevant actors, we know how easily (and how a fast) the tensions can escalate to new armed conflicts.
It is good to remember that the estimations of fighters of HTS before the offensive against the regime varied between 10.000 and 30.000 soldiers. At that time, the numbers of SNA were estimated between 30.000 and 80.000, while SDF is ranging between 100.000 and 120.000. In theory, all the main military forces in Syria agree that it is time for peace, to work together to rebuild Syria. To reach cohesive agreements means that all sides also need to make concessions. Assad is gone, and the future of Syria needs to be built on consensus and popular unity, including all the people in Syria and with the memory of all those who gave their life to make this day possible.
We also know that happy endings are just for movies. Life goes on and the struggle has to go on. We need to use the time we have to be ready for what will come tomorrow. We have a revolution to defend and we have a fight to win. We can't simply wait and expect that things will play out as we wish. We need to make sure that the achievments of the revolution and the lessons learned here help us in the next battles to come.
Revolutionary greetings!
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