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Vegan Easy

✨This festive season, choose kind gifts for your loved ones🎄🌿

Choosing kind gifts can make a world of difference to you, your loved ones and the animals we share this planet with.

There are a number of gift options with kind alternatives to choose from:

◾ Avoid animal-giving programs as they hurt both animals and humans. Gifting an animal such as a cow, sheep, goat, pig or chicken to a family in a low-income country does not alleviate hunger. Raising animals requires extra food and water – this does not equate to less hunger.

✅ Instead, choose a gift-donation from a plant-based hunger relief program, such as Plants-4-Hunger by A Well Fed World. Their programs serve some of the world’s most impoverished children and communities. They also have a disaster relief program.

◾ Avoid non-vegan, animal-tested products.

✅ There are many vegan, animal-testing free brands available these days. Like, Aesop, Botani, Designer Brands, Ere Perez, Ethique, Lamav, Lime Crime, Rageism Beauty, Revolution Beauty and many more.

◾ Avoid leather items, as leather is a co-product of the meat industry, which financially supports the slaughter of animals. It also has a large environmental footprint due to GHG emissions from the animal agricultural sector plus coating and tanning processes.

✅ Instead, buy items made from vegan leather, such mycelium, cork, cactus, pineapple and many other alternatives. Some brands include A_C (Ahimsa Collective), Gunas, Karuna Dawn, Matt & Nat, Sans Beast, Thamon, etc.

◾ Avoid cookbooks that call for animal derived ingredients.

✅ There are so many vegan cookbooks available nowadays. You can find them in your favourite bookstore or search online. Discover cookbooks with cuisines from around the world, ones for different culinary skills and budgets, vegan cookbooks for athletes, for the gluten-free, and more. There’s even a Harry Potter Vegan cookbook!

⭐ Learn more about gifting kindly here: ⭐

Photo: Nova the deer at Liberation Sanctuary.


Definitely love the idea of supporting gifts that are kind to animals and the planet. Not so sure about the kindness of the Harry Potter cookbook, given how wildly transphobic J.R. Rowling is...

Are you really sure you want that suggestion in there as an example of kindness?