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Nume MacAroon Ⓥ

One of our bots boosted posts by an 'entovegan'.

'Entovegans' describe themselves as vegans who eat insects.

This is an oxymoron.

It incorrectly assumes that veganism is a diet and not a philosophy.

The term 'entovegan' is sacrilege. Non-critical uses of it, such as identifying as one, WILL result in a suspension from Veganism Social.

I'm sorry we boosted their abuse. They are suspended now. Our bots will receive major updates this weekend.


Vegans and Vegetarians do not eat animals.

Insects are animals.

Fish are animals.

Basic high school biology.

@nm A case of bad bot, but good admin 💚

Also, what's up with folk so desperate to use the word vegan, labelling themselves as such... but missing the point.

"I'm vegan but eat insects", "I'm vegan but eat eggs on weekend", "I'm vegan but eat honey" 🤨😩

@christian @nm

You still something similar and much older with people thinking that some vegetarians eat fish.

I pointed out the correct definition to a nurse on her blog and she scolded me saying people deserved "credit".

I think nm nailed it with "virtue signaling without virtue".

@nm No disrespect to equines but it sounds like utter horse sh.t.

I just read this from 2019.

“Would Josh have called his principal ‘entoveganism’ if veganism wasn’t becoming so profitable and trendy? It seems doubtful. Would these ‘veggans’ really have bastardised the word had ‘vegan’ not become so loaded, so ubiquitous?

Veganism is a profitable tag ”

Plant Based News · Is Veganism Being Watered Down By Companies Jumping On The Bandwagon?By Miranda Larbi

@nm what alternative label would you suggest?

@2d @nm entovegetarian sounds better because they eat also other animal parts.

@nm After I used my favorite search engine looking for the word 'Entovegans', the first result was

"Entovegan - the world's ultimate sustainable superfood diet"

I've never found so many lies and mistakes in a sentence before.