Fireworks also create a lot of particulates making the already smoky air from the wildfires worse.
Consider celebrating without fireworks this year.
@beforewisdom I didn't know that bees are flying around at night. I thought they sleep in their hives.
Is this really true?
@beforewisdom Certainly, a primary issue in the US.
Why, here in Germany, this nastiness only happens once per year (IF at all, because a lot of bigger cities have started to forbid it in their inner city parts) .. but the US has to have it AT LEAST twice.
Oh, and totally OT: "Birds have panic attacks" - that certainly explains the birbsite issues xD
It happens more where I live.
My area has a large number of Latino immigrants. They have several holidays a year that call for fireworks.
It creates a lot of friction. To most Americans it is just a lot of noise going on late on work nights or nights where they plan to get up early the next day.
@beforewisdom Instead of recreationg WWI, they should maybe do more of the eat, drink and be merry variety?
Else I'd just ask some chinese folks to head over to do THEIR fireworks, and then everybody would just stop xD
@beforewisdom IMHO #Fireworks should be allowed all year around, but only on designated & safe "firework ranges" similar to "machinegun ranges"...
I like fireworks *shows*.
However, people have jobs and other reasons to get up early the next day.
Fireworks also trigger people with PTSD and distress animals.
@beforewisdom That's why it should be done somewhere it doesn't disturb anyone...
That would be kind of tough.
Not enough people to justify the costs in areas with low population. Many people wouldn't want to make a trip on a work night.
Maybe for holidays.
I don't think it would help in my area as you aren't likely to get people to set it up out in the boonies.
@beforewisdom well, I think it'll certainly be more efficient and enforceable than blanket bans.
Just like banning cigarettes and alcohol won't, but disallowing to smoke in schools and hospitals or drunk driving are IMHO based things...
@beforewisdom it also is hard for many disorders that cause sensory sensitivities like autism.