Things that were obvious design mistakes from #Apple:
- #TouchBar (not the technology, but the implementation)
- Removing #MagSafe (people like the convenience of not killing their laptop over tripping cables)
- Re-adding MagSafe (without actually addressing the problem that you need a whole new cable to just deliver power)
- Square alignment of arrow keys (does this even need a comment?)
- Removing the escape key (it's not just nerds)
- #TouchID button that can't visually tell you that it wants your attention (believe it or not, but some people have no effing clue what to do when the TouchID popup pops up)
- The contrast of #DarkMode on #OSX calendars (eternal shit show of trying to read purple text on a slightly darker purple background)
- Everything related to #EmojiPicker (the way it's been buggy for years, the slowness, the non functional fuzzy search, the 3! distinct and horrible ways it works, ...)
- #iMessage as a whole (anyone who is a tiny bit critical can't stand this piece of UX hell)
That is not to say that "I can do better". But I can, I think, admit my mistakes and fix them. All the above has been grinding my gears while using Apple product (singular) for years. And some of them have been "fixed" (by rolling back previous decisions, while claiming "progress"), while others have been silently ignored, because Apple does not have the balls to admit mistakes.
Years ago my friend claimed that they work by "if it works, then don't touch it". Well if it doesn't?