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Michal Bryxí 🌱

Does any of the folks around here know if the "I am" shaving brush from is made from animal products or if it's synthetic? The packaging does not say anything useful.

@MichalBryxi could you do an ALT-TEXT please? I don't boost posts without...

@MichalBryxi I searched on Migros website. A comment from support states that it is made with animal hair.

@MichalBryxi in Switzerland, vegan products are usually labelled as such.

@switch Merci vielmals! Most of the vegan items are indeed labeled such. But not all of them. It's a weird battle sometimes 😞

@MichalBryxi I read somewhere The Body Shop shaving brush is vegan. If you have one nearby, you could ask them.

@switch Oh nice. Nearest one in . That is not so far. Thank you!

@zeitverschreib Knowing the exact species was out of scope 🤣 But thanks for the detailed analysis.

@MichalBryxi Took me a while to find out, but it‘s made of Chinese hog hair. Sorry, bro.

@JustStephan Already have a lead on vegan alternative. All good 🌱

@gravitysrainbow Been using my fingers to pat pat pat my shaving cream around my face for a while and ... it's not great. Shaving without a cream is very ouch for me.

@MichalBryxi I've always used ordinary soap, and I use a straight razor, for my face and scalp.
You really don't need this stuff, mate.

@MichalBryxi if you’re looking for an alternative, I can recommend the RazoRock Plissoft BIG BRUCE ;)