Our first #ScienceCommunication editorial is published! Here, we highlight one of our recently published studies on a classic "dinosaur trackway" from the 1940s
The study being highlighted can be read #OpenAccess
Our first #ScienceCommunication editorial is published! Here, we highlight one of our recently published studies on a classic "dinosaur trackway" from the 1940s
The study being highlighted can be read #OpenAccess
New Recap! Lessons from Ireland’s Open Access Journey.
From live user feedback to key takeaways, this session offered valuable insights into Ireland’s path to 100% Open Access. IReL National Open Research Forum
Missed it? Catch up here: https://tinyurl.com/yy8vbs6d
I am delighted to announce our #OpenDivideLecture Series! Explore critical reflections about #OpenAccess with global experts online, every month for one year. Register now: https://opendivide.hypotheses.org/open-divide-2025-2026-speakers-and-topics #AcademicPublishing
#performingarts #embodiment #diamondoa #openaccess
[halshs-00847016] Naissance de la psychophysique : Fechner et l'impossible physicalisme
François Félix
March 17, 2025 at 03:40PM
#openaccess #openscience
[halshs-00847011] De la méthode à la métaphysique
Bernard Andrieu
March 17, 2025 at 03:36PM
#openaccess #openscience
[hal-01116069] Eros et nostalgie dans le Banquet de Platon
François Félix
March 17, 2025 at 03:33PM
#openaccess #openscience
“Wait, not like that”: Free and open access in the age of generative AI
「 The true threat from AI models training on open access material is not that more people may access knowledge thanks to new modalities. It’s that those models may stifle Wikipedia and other free knowledge repositories, benefiting from the labor, money, and care that goes into supporting them while also bleeding them dry 」
Es gibt einen neuen, DFG-finanzierten #Preprint-Server für die #Sozialwissenschaften mit #OpenPeerReview
Wer platziert den ersten Beitrag?
Titans of Industrial Agriculture: How a Few Giant Corporations Came to Dominate the Farm Sector and Why It Matters
Featured in 2025 CAFS Social, Book Launch and Awards Ceremony
Details and Tickets: https://foodstudies.info/news-conferences/upcoming-conference/
#CongreSSH #FoodStudies #Toronto #Food #TorontoFoodie #FoodWays #FoodSovereignty #FoodPolitics #FoodArt #CAFS2025 #ACEA2025
If you would like to share your perspective, please get in touch
Alors que j'amorce une #migration sur une instance plus universitaire, je refais une petite #introduction !
Conservatrice des bibliothèques, j'ai pris une disponibilité pour entamer un contrat doctoral en **littérature française** et **humanités numériques**, au sein de la chaire d'excellence en édition numérique, en co-tutelle entre l'Université de Rouen et l'Université de Montréal.
Mon sujet de thèse porte sur la réception de la figure de #NinondeLenclos à travers son histoire éditoriale, de la fin du XVIIe au début du XXe siècle.
Dans mes précédentes vies, j'ai, en vrac :
- Travaillé sur le #JDR en bibliothèque
- Me suis spécialisée dans les services aux chercheurs
- Traîné du côté de l'#écriturecréative. J'ai notamment publié un recueil de nouvelles et quelques nouvelles en anthologies
Je vais rapatrier progressivement mes abonnements & prendre mes marques, mais je me suis dit que comme je partageais de plus en plus des éléments sur mon activité universitaire, il était plus pertinent d'intervenir ici.
Au plaisir d'interagir !
For all submitting authors: our journal has funding agreements with various institutions that may allow you the option of publishing your work #OpenAccess
Watch our #OpenAccess 101 series of archived webinars to understand OA foundational concepts, emerging issues, case studies & answers to common questions from scholars. Perfect for librarians w/ new OA responsibilities & a helpful refresher for others. Thanks to the team at Scholarly Communication Notebook for sharing their expertise. https://sparcopen.org/our-work/open-access-101-series/
In a speech at the High Court of King Diarmaid in 6th Century Ireland, St. Columba aka Colmcille advocated for the right to copy books ~1500 years before the Budapest Open Access Initiative (Ray Corrigan, 2007 http://oro.open.ac.uk/10332/1/GIKII_Colmcille_final.pdf).
Diarmaid ruled against him; Colmcille's subsequent rebellion led to 3000 deaths in the Battle of Cúl Dreimhne. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_C%C3%BAl_Dreimhne
More in @mmasnick's #TechDirt article: https://www.techdirt.com/2009/08/20/the-very-first-copyright-trial-in-6th-century-ireland-sounds-really-familiar/
New in our electronic #collection:
1/ Die Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung (ZHF) gehört zu den renommiertesten Veröffentlichungen zur Spätmittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung.
Wir begrüßen die Initiative von Duncker & Humblot die Beihefte in #OpenAccess zu überführen:
#Journals | Security and Safety
Special Issue on “Security and Safety for Next Generation Industrial Systems ”
Guest editors from the #Jiaotong_Uni ,#UniOslo , #NTUsg and #Tsinghua_Uni
Read More
@academia @phdlife @phdstudents
@academicsunite @academicchatter
"Rather than viewing this as a crisis, librarians should embrace it as a call to action—by strengthening institutional repositories, advocating for open-access policies, and guiding users toward legal alternatives. Librarians are not just custodians of knowledge; they are facilitators of equitable access. Now is the time to shape a more open and legally accessible scholarly landscape."
"Wait, not like that": Free and open access in the age of generative AI