For #SchiffsSamstag a view from Candie Gardens on Guernsey looking out to sea where two cruise ships are at anchor. Magellan is nearest us, operated by the now-defunct CMV, and P&O's Arcadia is behind.
Guernsey Post to Launch Limited Edition Crypto Stamps - Guernsey Post, the postal service for the island of Guernsey in the Channel Island... - #islandofguernsey #channelislands #cryptocurrency #limitededition #britishisles #cryptostamps #guernseypost #newsbytes-2 #newsbytes #guernsey #crypto
Lache ich gerade?
Hmm, ein wenig
"Gericht friert offenbar mehrere Millionen Euro von René Benko ein"
Do you live in Guernsey?
Do you use FreeBSD?
Do you want to financially support its continued development?
If you answered 'yes' to all of these questions, then I have good news for you - the FreeBSD Foundation's payment provider have made some fixes so you can now donate from Guernsey!
You should also get in touch with me so that we can start a user group :-)
Here is the view from the Ozanne Steps on the island of Guernsey for this week's #MeerMittwoch. These steps are found along the clifftop walking route from the island's capital of St Peter Port and they were originally built so that a former governor of the island and his wife could get easier and private access to a bay for bathing.
#Introduction: From #Guernsey, #ITPro, #Computing graduate, #Law graduate. Interests: #Transformers, #StarWars, #Guitar, #Sax, #Synth, #PlayStation, #XBox, #Switch, #Linux, #Amiga. Licenced #ham MU3NTH, 2U0NPT. Coding #C# and #Python. Also #DoctorWho, #RedDwarf, #StarTrek. I'm sure more #Sci-fi will come to mind.
#introduction Interested in #music #movies #tvshows #reading I live on the South Coast near #Brighton but am from #Guernsey #ChannelIslands and I have lived in #Portugal #France and #Spain before. I’m good at #computers and am always updating old computers so they still are useable. Apps I use most, apart from social media are #MyMoviesDK and #StyleBook - big lover of cool boots…