C++Now 2025 SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: C++ as a Microscope Into Hardware by Linus Boehm
Register now at https://accuconference.org/booking/
C++Now 2025 SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: C++ as a Microscope Into Hardware by Linus Boehm
Register now at https://accuconference.org/booking/
C++Now 2025 SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: Identifying Runtime Errors in Mixed C++ and Rust Codebases Using Formal Methods by Steve Barriault
Register now at https://accuconference.org/booking/
I need to roll my own std::optional for the fourth time because I need to support references lets goooooooo
Simulating Rust Traits in C++
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://blog.bluempty.com/en/post/cpp-rust-trait/
#CppPollOfToday: Which compilers do you use in your builds?
Exciting News!
Online registrations to the four day ACCU 2025 conference is now only £150 + VAT and includes access to 59 talk sessions!
Find out more and register today: http://online.accuconference.org
Optimizing Build Times with Build Insights: How Activision Cut Call of Duty’s Build Time by 50%
Kevin Carpenter sits down with Robert Seacord to discuss his upcoming Workshop "Secure Coding in C and C++".
In this workshop learn how to write secure C and C++ code on 31st March!
Register today!
Memsafe - proof-of-concept for memory safety in C++
Book of the Day: Secure Coding in C and C++ by Robert C. Seacord
Calling all #cplusplus aficionados
If you have been using C++ for a long while. What in the past year, did you learn that surprised you about C++?
Or, something you thought was common knowledge, but had to teach to someone.
[Disclaimer I'm gathering examples for a lightning talk]
Looking for Employers for next weeks Meeting C++ online job fair!
Online Workshop Preview: Structured Concurrency in C++: A Hands-On Workshop - Mateusz Pusz ACCU 2025
C++Now 2025 SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: Building Streams out of Hot Air - Coinductive Types in C++ Senders by Steve Downey
Register now at https://accuconference.org/booking/
How to join or concat ranges, C++26
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://www.cppstories.com/2025/join_concat_ranges/
C++Now 2025 SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: A Practitioner's Guide to Writing std-Compatible Views by Zach Laine
Register now at https://accuconference.org/booking/
I am looking at how part of the AST for for each loops in C++ is generated to better understand what the compiler is doing. It is fun #compilers #cpp #development
C++ Weekly - Ep 472 - C++23's static lambdas?!
Me using c++20 after one month: concepts are so nice! I will only use concepts for everything, make all concepts subsume exactly how it should!!!1!!1!
Me using c++20 after two years: uh, sfinae is pretty good right?