a post in which I practice public vulnerability and saying "eff youuu" to shame.
#mentalhealth #burnout #blog #personalwebsite

a post in which I practice public vulnerability and saying "eff youuu" to shame.
#mentalhealth #burnout #blog #personalwebsite
La clinique mardi 18 mars 18h31
Je suis fatiguay ce soir
Va falloir que je mette mon cerveau en pause un peu
#ScribesAndMakers 3/18 What would your best creative life look like if you stretch beyond realistic, but still keep it plausible?
Hahaha, oh, I wish I could have beyond be plausible. Literally just happened. Nearly a decade of #burnout #freeze had flattened writing. I barely did any.
Some healing cleared it. I spent days in #hyperfocus then couldn’t sleep. A few days of tired mush, and back to #fatigue now with some writing. So idk, cos not that.
Regaining Writing Momentum After A Break
Maybe it's a weekend or a vacation from work, either way you have your goal in mind and are excited to see what you can achieve. Or maybe it's just a very ordinary day and you have a daily writing plan that...just never happens? Or there's a power outage (as happened to me th
#CreativeNervousSystem #NeurodivergentAuthors #burnout #WritingHabit #WritingLifeBalance
Je vais te me coller sous la douche chaude, là... je me refroidis sur le lit en attendant le traitement de 21h20.
J'ai vu la psychiatre cette après-midi.
Oui, j'ai du mal à accepter, à renoncer à ma vie d'avant que je ne retrouverai pas.
Je suis en colère, je trouve ça injuste.
Faut que j'avale ce parpaing et que je digère.
«Is it wrong to not disclose my rather apparent #autism on a #job application? I don’t want to lie, but I also don’t want to tank my chances. Do I risk #discrimination? Or hide the fact that I might #struggle later? What’s the right answer?»
–Someone somewhere (but not me)
I think there is no right answer b/c we Autists/ADHD/AuDHD are very different, incl. all the other factors that play into this question.
I run into a massive #AuDHD #burnout after 30+ yrs. in the «creative»/design business and 13 yrs. in the last company I worked as a UX Specialist.
Still recovering.
While figuring out what my future path will be, I have decided to be absolute transparent about my AuDHD.
But my decision is probably not recommended for every other {neurodivergent}¹ individuum.
(1 of 2)
La clinique
J'ai décidé de ne pas me faire de mal pour le moment, aussi je me suis mis une ligne de conduite en venant ici, sur Masto :
#Depression #Burnout
Merci la compagnie
Je vais me laver les cheveux
Celles qui savent savent
”Suo siellä, vetelä täällä”
#Korona #Covid19 #LongCovid #BurnOut
I don’t know if it’s my age or just the general shitty state of the world around me, but I’ve been struggling to get enough rest these days to function optimally. The amounts of work that I would normally find OK (or even pleasant) has shrunk down significantly. I need more rest, more distraction, more entertainment to get through the day.
I think a lot of it comes down to stress. I’m stressed more and longer each day than I used to be. And dealing with stress means getting away from the routine and having some do-nothing downtime. And the more stress I get, the more intentional downtime I need.
Unbeknownst to me, I think I’ve allowed my “max stress” alarm level to be set at higher and higher levels over time. I need to reset that index back downward for my health.
I feel so sorry and tender for my teenage self who was told over and over than the only path i could take was this elitist high school with a horrible working culture, sleep deprived kids, pushed to the brink so the director could say it was the best establishment. every single morning was a fight. every day i forced myself to keep going. it was violent. it was a complete lie.
i wish i had been taught joy, care, art, autonomy. how to live well.
|une journée en Burn out dépressif|
Dans le désordre:
- je suis allée courir 55 min
- puis aussi jusqu'au carrefour acheter des carottes.
- j'ai cuisiné une lasagne végé
- j'ai fais une sieste 2h
- je suis passée boire une eau pétillante au Solvay pour donner des infos à Sébastien
- j'ai paniqué que 2 fois, pleuré qu'un tout petit peu au réveil.
- j'ai envoyé 2 messages en lien avec le taf.
(D'où 1 des 2 paniques)
Ça va un peu mieux qu'il y a 2 semaines.
I don't mind talking about the situation the #USA once in a while. But when it become the only thing people ever talk about, it wares upon me. It's no wonder why I don't want to go out anymore. #mentalhealth #politics #stress #burnout
If open source had a Taylor Swift-esque Eras Tour, what would they look like? Are hedgehogs *actually* extremely accurate? What does the sun feel like? Come on a fantastical open source journey with @emckean, filled with joy, laughter, and deep philosophical musings
#OpenSource #CreativeCommons #Sustainability #Community #Burnout
This is a reply to this post, which is a reply to this original post. Burnout is a hot topic (pun intended) and something close to heart for me.
In my new video, I dive into the importance of rest and it's impact on productivity.
Watch the full video for more tips: https://zurl.co/2bD93
@fonts Burnout sure does suck. FWIW, some words I wrote about my experience:
As the US, Saint Patron of liberalism, goes full steam into sophistry (to quote Adam Smith), I stumbled upon this show : that's my era for sure, I thought that was normal, no?
It is probably good !
"The leader of the British Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher, and Keith Joseph objected to the screening of the series by the BBC as they perceived it too biased for a state-run TV station. "
Erster Arbeitstag nach 9, zum Teil fürchterlichen, Monaten. Ich bin aufgeregt! #depression #burnout #burnoutrecovery