#bereal #unscripted
Proof! Immer ohne Skript und ohne Schwurbel....
#bereal #unscripted
Proof! Immer ohne Skript und ohne Schwurbel....
It's seen as a rival to apps like Instagram or TikTok and it's got features that have been copied by Instagram recently.
But some people see it as more of an 'anti-Instagram' because you can't edit your photos, use filters or see how many followers you have.
So, what's the deal?
It's basically a photo-sharing app that encourages users to share a daily photo of their real life without filters or editing, using both the front and rear cameras on their device. Every day, users are given a fun and unexpected notification at a random time, giving them just two minutes to take and post a photo. You can choose to share your photo with friends or more people.
It's already got 23 million users worldwide (but you don't hear about it much in the mainstream media).
Did you know about it? Do you use it?
Check out some interesting growth stats about BeReal here:
Official website: https://bereal.com
Bon mon boycott numérique des USA commence.
Supression de Facebook whatsapp Instagram tout la gamme Google re-decouverte des applications françaises et européennes.
#Olvid #lechat #dailymotion #mastodon #Bereal #mappy #protonmail #kdrive
Weekend compliqué de tout basculer mais c’est que le début. #BoycottUSA #BoycottAmerica
Existe-t-il des réseaux sociaux européens ?
La quasi-totalité des réseaux sociaux utilisés en Europe sont originaires des Etats-Unis. Quelques applications européennes tentent toutefois de tirer leur épingle du jeu, notamment depuis la reprise en main de Twitter (désormais X) par Elon Musk.
I view Big Tech as digital colonialism, siphoning creativity and exploiting consumers for profit while deepening inequality. These corporations treat individuals as mere resources in their relentless pursuit of profit.
I support @edri open letter to @vonderleyen.
Read it here:
- https://edri.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/EU-resist-Big-Tech-bullying-open-letter-Jan-2025.pdf
When will you rise up against their exploitation? Just look at the damage they cause!
• Focus on real, unfiltered moments
• No algorithms, just authentic sharing
• Great for staying connected with friends
• Limited to daily photo prompts
• Lacks in-depth social features
#BeReal #AuthenticSharing #NoFilters
@jochenwolters Tolle Antwort (die ich leider viel zu spät sehe). Tatsächlich war hier "Chat" gemeint.
Habe mich selber gefragt wieso ich dies eher als Teilen interpretiere, vermute weil ich es so von Instagram kenne.
Die App ist übrigens #BeReal - mir war bis dahin nicht mal klar dass es eine Chatfunktion gibt.
Pas des pubs sur BeReal
Ça serait cool que BeReal arrête d’effacer mes légendes.