Resident Evil 3: Apple Launch Trailer #games #mobilegames #ResidentEvil #RE3
Der deutsche Eisenbahngeheimdienst Deutsche Bahn hält knapp 4 Wochen vor Beginn der geplanten Brückenbauarbeiten mit wochenlanger Vollsperrung der Fernbahngleise zwischen Bernau und Karower Kreuz weiterhin die Baustellenfahrpläne geheim.
Keine Baustelleninfos. Keine geänderten Fahrpläne im Regionalverkehr in der Auskunft.
Nur eine dubiose Ankündigung der DB InfraGO im Januar, die aber an die EVU gerichtet ist.
Ich finde diese alten Waggons an sich sehr schön, erinnern sie mich doch an meine Kindheit… Allerdings bin ich auch nicht auf Barrierefreiheit angewiesen und auch nicht mehr mit Kinderwagen u.ä. unterwegs.
#residentEvil 3 remake is just the right amount of camp, 2 remake was a bit too serious, 1 remake rather infamously took it completely serious which makes it a different game but still good
But Nemesis is such anime shit I'm glad they let Jill be a psycho. I hope they retcon the fuck out of 5 because that's some serious fucking bullshit they do to her character all off screen too fuck off
on that topic
Jill in Resident Evil 3 remake is so good. She just swears at nemesis the whole time and is just generally understandably pissed off. I'll even forgive them for demoting the I'll Give You Stars line from final boss, it's that good
more bratty protags please it's cool to fight god and stuff but if my character can't tell them to eat shit and do a cool flip after putting a railgun down their throat why am I even playing your shitty video game
Okay, I think I was just in the awkward early low ammo stages of Resident Evil 3 remake. It's still not super easy but ammo feels just about right and I'm doing well. Quickstep isn't "hard" but you do have to try with it, I'm glad it has a little "success" effect really helps make it clear when to time it.
Just escaped the first "real" Nemesis fight. Very well done remake so far. Also very dark lol
Trying to play #ResidentEvil 3 remake but just not sure how I'm supposed to be playing it. Feels more like a Dino Crisis-y "you should be running" thing, ammo def doesn't seem enough to shoot everything but running doesn't seem to work very well either
morning bitching is over, I promise--
Just started playing #ResidentEvil3 remake! Late, yes. It's good so far! Even more than 2 remake it captures the feeling and gameplay of the original, though it's almost totally redone map/story wise. Not sure how I feel about it yet, but the intro is punchy.
Not sure how I feel about not just bumping into nemesis, I always liked how you COULD just fight or flee, up 2 u
Sind wir gerade 3 Minuten später abgefahren, weil das Personal des anwesenden Zuges die Türen nicht 1 Sekunde vor der geplanten Abfahrt zu öffnen bereit war?
#RE3 (@ RE 3 ➜ Berlin Hbf) #NowTräwelling
Making backups of #devilutionX and #sm64 just in case the same thing happens to them as to #re3 .
Fuck #copyright trolls.
Rückweg aus Hannover vom spontanen Mama-Osterbesuch mit @moeria. Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönes restlichen Sonntag und morgen noch einen schönen #Feiertag und hoffe, dass ihr Ostern eifrei feiert #govegan #veganeostern Grüße aus der Bimmelbahn Bad Bevensen - Bienenbüttel, auch #Metronom oder kurz #RE3 genannt