#Cat #Catsmastodon #Fedicats #Katze #Katzen #Cats #BlackCat #BlackCats #Caturday
Elke 11 minuten vergeet een kat dat hij net eten heeft gekregen.
Every 11 minutes a cat forgets that it has just been fed.
Alle 11 Minuten vergisst eine Katze, daß sie gerade erst gefüttert wurde.
#mittwoch #miezmittwoch #cats #CatsOfMastodon #whiskerswednesday
Meine Streunerinnen
Cat Meows - Regent's Park
I always enjoy the rare pleasure of meeting cats on the London Underground. So it was an absolute treat to finally bump into cats Lupin and Rajah with their parents Jerome and Jacque.
Here's Rajah the Bengal cat meowing after the train departs.
#BuenosDías #bondia #bonjour familia enGatada desde #Albacete con un miércoles gris nublado pero luminoso porque eso es lo que hacen los gatos, dar luz. Y si no mirad a nuestra pequeña Nairobi, esperando su comida tras la cura de su herida sacándonos una sonrisa #felizmiercoles
#cats #CatsOfMastodon
Me, attempting to explain to Meech that he is about to expire, must be renewed, and checking if maybe he'd care to chip in a little this time.
A gentle good morning kiss and lots of morning sun
#cats #whitecat #sweetjuno #catlover #morning #tuxedocats #amythetux
Good morning! #CatsOfMastodon #KatLand #Cats #BlackCat #Cat
The cats didn't want to pose this morning, so I grabbed a picture made last week.
Notty cat house acclimation update. We had another outing this evening (I was too busy most of the day to supervise a wander). Susy was curious. Notty cat checked out her litter box in the laundry room, but did not use it. They had a little face-to-face in the dining room "crossroads" of the house. About four feet apart. Susy was calm. Notty growled and spitted. Susy stood fast and growled back. No raised backs or flattened ears. Progress.
#cats #CatsOfMastodon #catstodon #straycat #catrescue