EPA head Lee Zeldin says he’ll roll back dozens of environmental regulations, including rules on climate change
EPA head Lee Zeldin says he’ll roll back dozens of environmental regulations, including rules on climate change
“Green Warriors for Green Dharamshala” Campaign Launched.
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #trees #TreePlanting #environment #GoGreen #SaveThePlanet #GreenInitiative
Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters
Do you think it would be possible for someone to convince Trump that he could be the most powerful man on Earth ever if he saved the environment? He is so unpredictable, selfish and hungry for attention that it doesn't seem that unrealistic
https://opengears.medium.com/hackintoshing-as-a-sustainable-environmental-practice-78baf2cdd353 #SaveThePlanet #EcoFriendly #ClunkyPC #Sustainability #HackerNews #ngated
Unlock free energy and environmental resources: Free illustration , free icons and SVG downloads
#SustainableDesign #EcoFriendlyAssets #GreenEnergyIcons #RenewableEnergy #EnvironmentIllustrations #CleanEnergyGraphics #SaveThePlanet #NatureIcons #EcoConsciousDesign #ClimateActionArt #SustainabilityGraphics #EarthFriendlyDesign #RecyclingIllustrations #GoGreen #EcoVectorArt
Planet Earth First - P.E.F
Tech bros out here inventing AI to 'save the planet' while their servers guzzle more power than Vegas on New Year's. Efficiency... but make it ironic. #savetheplanet
Il est là, tout beau, tout neuf, le clip de Gaïa
Une ôde à la planète, notre Gaïa a tous et toutes
Le texte, dans sa version en français, se trouve dans le recueil de poésie Une (en)vie de mots, disponible aux Éditions Hello
Gaïa est issu de l'EP "Révoltée", ainsi que le titre Hominis requiem.
We Can Save the Environment!
Dr. Lee McKnight discusses his research into blockchain’s potential to create accurate carbon emissions data and real carbon markets for environmental healing.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
Learn more about Cool The Planet Project.
#theinternetiscrack #podcast #savetheplanet #blockchain #information #motherearth
Save The Planet!
Dr. Lee McKnight discusses his research into blockchain’s potential to create accurate carbon emissions data and real carbon markets for environmental healing.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
Learn more about Cool The Planet project.
#theinternetiscrack #podcast #motherearth #savetheplanet #carbonemissions #blockchain
Un grazie a @iusondemand per la breve intervista di introduzione ad @ufficiozero che potrete trovare al link sottostante, il 28 Febbraio alle ore 8.10
Felici di poter offrire un sistema operativo open source per l'Italia intera: privati e PMI, Pubblica Amministrazione ed a breve anche per le nostre scuole
Dr. Lee Mcknight discusses his research into blockchain’s potential to create accurate carbon emissions data and real carbon markets for environmental healing.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
Learn more about Cool the planet project.
#theinternetiscrack #podcast #blockchain #savetheplanet #earth #carbon #data #information
Blockchain can save the Carbon Market
Dr. Lee McKnight discusses his research into blockchain’s potential to create accurate carbon emissions data and real carbon markets for environmental healing.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
Learn more about Cool The Planet project.
Earth has experienced five previous mass extinction events. Humans are working on the sixth.
Featuring Gratitude iPhone 16 Series Skin
Why do we allow #Companies to Give excess packaging material in the name of #Marketing? I mean 70% of chips package air. Most of delivery packaging is #wasteful. If we really wish to #saveThePlanet, shouldnt we firat counter tghe unnecessary usage of materials, that directly end up in landfill?
Bill Gates Is Playing Both Sides of the Climate Crisis
Il tuo pc è funzionante ma non potrà essere aggiornato a Windows 11 perchè non ne possiede i requisiti tecnici?
Niente paura ed evita di abbandonarlo in discarica se è ancora funzionante. Con la politica scellerata di big tech molti pc potrebbero essere destinati alle discariche, aumentando la percentuale di RAEE da smaltire di oltre il 20%, sebbene pensiamo che possa essere una stima per difetto.
Con Ufficio Zero Linux è possibile dare nuova vita al tuo pc!